
Our Vocational School Director Gave a Conference at Muş Selahaddin Eyyubi Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

04.11.2021 15:37

Director of our Vocational School, Dr. Faculty Member Mehmet Özalper  Muş  Selahaddin Eyyubi Anatolian Imam Hatip High School gave a conference titled May 19, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Departure to Samsun and the Beginning of the National Struggle. The school administration, teachers and students attended the program held at the Selahaddin  Eyyubi Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Conference Hall.

Dr. Faculty Member Mehmet Özalper evaluated the period between 19 May 1919 and 29 October 1923 in terms of the history of the Turkish Republic. Explaining that the period of the National Struggle and the establishment of the Republic was of great importance, Dr. Reminding the difficulties experienced during the War of Independence, Özalper emphasized that it is imperative for the youth to take care of our history and stated that past experiences should be used to bring our country to international standards.